Star PSP

Christian Community Homeschooling Together

Home education with support from instructors and staff with over 20 years of homeschooling experience.

Deadline to enroll in the PSP for the 2025-2026 school year is the first Friday of September. Exceptions only approved by Director, Robin Slagle.

Receive homeschool record-keeping support, resources, and Christian community with Star Private School Satellite Program (PSP). We are here to serve and equip you, the primary educator, to confidently and successfully instruct your child as you play the decisive role in your student’s education.

Why Join?

  • Wide range of services available for a tailor-made home education experience
  • Serving the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and academically
  • Individualized education
  • Christ-centered environment
  • Parental support: administrative accountability, encouragement, and experienced counsel
  • Customized mobile-friendly PSP Manager record keeping tool
  • Special needs consultations
  • Optional parent meetings and family events, including parent-teacher trainings, field trips, park days, and teen events
  • Affordable fees
  • Equipping home educators to meet the needs of each child uniquely created in the image of God

What We Offer

  • Filing of private school affidavit, cumulative-file requests and maintenance, and all other required paperwork
  • Customized mobile-friendly PSP Manager record keeping tool
  • Annual general academic counseling
  • Annual university preparation and graduation advising for 11–12 grade students
  • Diploma, senior banquet, graduation ceremony, senior events, and three free official high school transcripts for high school seniors
  • Field trips, teen events and quarterly family events
  • Referrals for special-needs consultations (gifted, learning disabled, etc.)
  • Student and teacher photo ID cards
  • Work permit issuance and provision of other required signatures (Special Admit Students form, ROP, etc.)
  • Parent seminars designed to educate parents on topics relevant to education, homeschooling, college preparation, and more
  • Student photos taken (purchased directly from vendor)

Next Steps...

  1. Fill out the Star Homeschool Academy Family and Student Applications.  One family application needed per family and one student application needed per new student.
  2. Fill out a PSP Application. One PSP application needed per new student.
  3. Enroll each student for their PSP Membership
  4. Pay your minimum fees from your Parent Portal.
  5. Deadline to enroll in the PSP for the 2025-2026 school year is the first Friday of September. Exceptions only approved by Director, Robin Slagle.