Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a new student to Star?

Current families who wish to add a new student should:

  1. Sign into their Parent Portal
  2. Click on “Add/Edit Student Information” in the “My Account” section.
  3. Click on “Add New Student/Attendee”
  4. Complete the Student Application

New families wishing to enroll should go to our Apply and Enroll page and follow the prompts to complete our family application.

What is Star’s illness protocol?

Star Homeschool Academy’s mission is to serve and support the homeschool community, and we consider the health and welfare of our students and staff a priority. We require students running a fever to stay home until at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medicines. We ask for students with flu-like symptoms to stay home until there is no fever for 24 hours and symptoms are improving.

Do I need to let you know if my child is missing a day at class?

It is very much appreciated if parents inform their child’s teachers that they will be missing classes. Whether it is for an illness or a planned trip, it is a courtesy to our Star teachers for the parents to let them know.

Do classes change at the semester?

All 7th-12th grade courses are intended to be year-long courses, with the exception of Government & Economics, which are offered one semester; Government in the fall and Economics in the spring. All Elementary KP-6th grade courses are intended to be year-long courses with the exception of the half day 1st-6th grade class which will have one class period that rotates between art, music, and PE every 10 weeks.

Does Star Homeschool Academy (Star) allow rolling enrollment?

Yes. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about enrolling after a semester has begun. Bear in mind that for some classes, it may not be possible to add a class mid-year due to either enrollment numbers or the advanced nature of the previously-covered material.

Does Star Homeschool Academy provide textbooks?

No; Star Homeschool Academy does not purchase curriculum, and such curriculum materials are not included in the price of the program. A Curriculum Book List with ISBN listings is provided on our Books and Curriculum Page.  Purchasing used books is an option, however, please make certain that the correct edition is ordered, using the ISBN on the book list. Allow adequate time for ordering materials so your students are prepared to begin coursework when classes begin. Star is willing to sponsor a used curriculum sale at the end of each academic year to assist parents in purchasing and selling curriculum.

Does Star Homeschool Academy provide transcripts?

Star Homeschool Academy is a supplementary education program, and as such does not provide transcripts, and neither offers nor grants academic credit for classes offered. Enrolled families are either members of a transcript-issuing institution such as a charter school, a private school satellite program such as Star PSP, or families may file their own private school affidavit. It is through these options that academic credit is received and transcripts are issued. However, Star Homeschool Academy does provide documentation to parents such as letters of introduction, course descriptions, course schedule, assigned coursework and scores for junior high and high school courses. This not only assists in validating the classes, but is documentation that can be provided to the transcript-issuing institution. Please note that families enrolled in Star courses have an option to also enroll in Star PSP, but it is not mandatory.

Do I need to be enrolled in the Star PSP to participate in Star Homeschool Academy courses, services, or events?

No, although you are invited to apply to the PSP, enrollment in the PSP is not required for enrollment in any Star Homeschool courses, services or events.

Is there a modesty standard?

Yes. Our modesty standard is focused upon upholding core values (spiritual growth, academic excellence, and community) and our specific interest is to create an environment that promotes a Christ-centered community and a Christian witness to the world. We acknowledge modesty runs deeper than a dress standard and begins with remaining pure in mind and heart regardless of the way another is dressed.

View full policy

Where do students go if they do not have a class?

While on campus, students are to remain under the direct supervision of an adult at all times. When your junior high or high school student has an open period between classes, they will need to be enrolled in Study Hall for a nominal fee. Study Hall is supervised by a Star employee and students are directed to use the time to study. Please note that the elementary schedule does not have any open periods and students remain under staff supervision while on campus.

Is there time for socializing?

Yes. Students build friendships and have opportunities for fellowship. There is a designated location for lunch breaks at the campus where students may socialize in a supervised environment. Elementary students have the opportunity to participate in field trips and park days, while 7th-12th grade students enjoy planned teen events and dances. Special theme days are offered for all grades at the campus throughout the year to promote community, friendships and fun!

What is the parents’ role?

You, the primary educators, play the decisive role in your student(s)’ education. We are here to serve and equip you to confidently and successfully instruct your children as you prepare them for their unique calling. Parents of students in grades 7-12 are expected to be available in the classroom minimally twice a year, and assist the teachers with various tasks during that time. Even if there are no tasks to perform, parents are to stay in the classroom as an observer. Parents with students in grades KPrep-6 are expected to be available in the class and  during lunch as well. We love having parents on campus and you are welcome anytime.

Are your courses accredited?

Star Homeschool Academy has earned accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for all 7th – 12th grade courses. In the future we plan to expand the accreditation to all grade levels.

How are elementary students grouped?

Elementary classes are divided by grade level. Kindergarten and K-Prep are in separate classrooms, but often join together for art projects, music, or special activities. They join together for lunch and recess in their own area separate from the older students.

What classes are included?

Our full day program on Mondays includes language arts, math and science. Our half day program on Wednesdays includes history, and a 10 week rotation of art, music, and PE/fitness. We also offer after school electives on Wednesdays from 12:45-2:00. This includes our choir for grades 3-6 as well as our Learners Lab for grades 4-6 for a rotation of fun electives.

Will my student have the same teacher all day?

Kindergarten Prep and Kindergarten students will have the same teacher all day. Students in grades 1-6 will move from teacher to teacher for each subject taught.

Will my student be in the same classroom all day?

No, teachers will teach from the same room all day and students will move from teacher to teacher each period. Kindergarten Prep and Kindergarten classes are the exception.

Do I need to purchase curriculum for semester full-day package classes?

Yes; please refer to the Books and Curriculum Page for the list of books required for each grade level.

Do I have to use the curriculum that Star uses?

No, parents have the option to use books at home that best support the educational needs of their children. However, students will still be expected to participate in class activities and discussions, and to complete any assigned projects.

Will Star Homeschool Academy provide lessons to be followed at home during the week?

Yes; each student will receive a course lesson plan for each subject which outlines the class lessons and activities and at-home course work. We believe that students who follow the course lessons at home will have a richer classroom experience. However, following the course lessons at home is optional.

Will my student's homework be scored and will I receive a score summary?

No; student homework will not be scored and scores will not be recorded by Star teachers. Parents are responsible to grade and maintain records of their student’s work. Teachers can review homework and provide input to encourage students and/or improve progress.

What if my student is ahead or behind in math (or other) curriculum?

Students are divided into grade level groups and taught accordingly. You as the parent will have the course lesson plan as a guide to know what is being taught in each class on a daily basis. Should your student be ahead or behind of the suggested Star Homeschool Academy curriculum, you should plan to use the class time as enrichment. At home the parent will be able to teach their student at the student’s individual level.

Do you test students to place them in the right grade?

No, Star does not test students to place them in their grade level. We believe that you, the parent, knows your child’s strengths and are capable of placing them in the right grade level. If you are affiliated with a charter school, or PSP other than Star, their advisors will assist you and place them in the correct grade. However, Star staff is always willing to give you their professional input on your student’s progress.

Will my student be issued a Canvas or Gmail account?

Yes, all students enrolled in a Star Homeschool course are issued a Gmail and Canvas account that may be maintained by the parent or the student, depending on your preference.

What is the involvement of the parent at home?

You, the primary educator, play the decisive role in your students’ education. Using the course schedule as a guide, parents will teach and assist their children with assignments indicated on the course schedule.

What is the involvement of the parent at the campus?

Parents are asked to volunteer in the classroom, for each course, as well as during lunch, minimally once during each semester. Siblings may accompany parents on that day as long as they are not a disruption to the class. Parents will have an opportunity to sign-up for their volunteer day through Canvas.

Can a child with learning disabilities be successful in the semester full-day package classes?

Most often, yes. Star Homeschool Academy desires to assist parents in meeting the educational goals of all students, including students with learning disabilities. Assignments can be modified for your child’s learning needs. Communication with the teacher on a regular basis is encouraged for student success in the classroom.

How is class behavior managed?

In Elementary Academics students are guided through appropriate classroom behavior using the three Rs:

  • Be Respectful– Show respect and kindness to your teachers, staff, classmates and the property of the church.
  • Be Ready to Learn– Be on time, bring your supplies and materials, and complete your work at home so you can participate in class.
  • Be Responsible– Make good choices, follow our campus rules, and clean up after yourself.

If a student has a behavioral issue during class, the behavior will be immediately addressed by the teacher, and parents will be notified. If the behavior continues, parents may need to attend class with their student until the behavior stops. In the rare instance that a violation of our school policies continues, the student may be dismissed from class.

Is lunch provided for my student?

No; students bring a sack lunch and snacks (optional) each class day. Lunch and break supervision is provided by Star staff and scheduled parent volunteers. However, there are several pot luck lunches organized by parents throughout the year.

How do I contact my student on a class day in the event of an emergency?

To contact your student in class, please call Star administration at 714-485-9223, and a message will get to your student. Elementary students may not have cell phones or smart watches at school.

As a parent, may I stay in the classroom while my student is participating in a course?

Parents are always welcomed in any class. We ask that you discuss this with your child’s teacher or Star administration and make arrangements before attending class. Parents must check in at the sign-in table and get a name badge before going to their child’s class.